I have this theory that men have a miner's instincts. A miner does his job, goes home, then the next day goes to the end of the mineshaft and keeps digging. Goes home, comes back, goes to the end of the mineshaft, and keeps digging, every day going farther and farther. Likewise, when it comes to women men tend to get as far as they can, go home, come back, go to where they left off and keep pressing farther. It's a terrible habit, because women instinctually...
It's about time. She's been my best friend for years; I trust her absolutely, and I weight her opinions more heavily than my own. A week ago tonight, I told her that I wanted more than friendship. I told her to think and pray about it for as long as she needed, and to call me when she had an answer. I guessed it would take six days. I was off by two days. When friends lay down big ultimatums like this, it's an unspoken rule that the two have to be incommunicado for the duration of the...
There you are, talking to your ex. Just talking. You're keeping a comfortable physical distance and mentioning your girlfriend's name every few minutes. The reminiscence begins (more or less) innocently. Just an accidental used of the code word you once used to talk about sex when your friends were around. “Let’s go play pool,” you say. She winks at you and both of you laugh for almost a full minute. Then, suddenly, you’re reliving the good old days. Remember that time she showed up at ...